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Cy5 Biotin|近红外荧光染料Cy5-生物素

作者:Cy5 Biotin|近红外荧光染料Cy5-生物素 发布时间:2022-08-30 09:10:53 次浏览

Cy5 Biotin|近红外荧光染料Cy5-生物素 Biotin labeled, near infrared fluorescent Cy5 dye derivative that has a maximum absorption at 650 nm and emission around 670 nm. Cy5 Biotin can be easily traced from its blue color and strong fluorescence. Unlike Biotin-Fluorescein, whose absorbance and emission are strongly pH dependent, optical properties of Cy5-Biotin are pH insensitive. Cy5 Biotin|近红外荧光染料Cy5-生物素 Abs/Em Maxima 649/670 nm Extinction coefficient 250,000 Spectrally similar dyes Alexa Fluor® 647, Atto™ 647, CF™ 647 Dye, DyLight™649 Molecular weight 1136.39 CAS N/A Solubility Water, DMSO, DMF, MeOH Purity >95% (HPLC) Appearance Blue solid Storage conditions -20C Shipping conditions Ambient temperature      Cyanine7.5 alkyne   Cyanine7 炔烃 Cyanine7 alkyne   Cy5.5 炔烃 Cyanine5.5 alkyne   Cyanine5 alkyne   Cyanine3 alkyne   BDP TMR alkyne   BDP FL alkyne   BDP 630/650 alkyne   3-Ethynyl perylene 132196-66-8 1-Ethynyl pyrene 34993-56-1 TAMRA azide, 5-isomer 825651-66-9 Sulfo-Cyanine7 azide   Sulfo-Cyanine5.5 azide   Sulfo-Cyanine5 azide   Sulfo-Cyanine3 azide   ROX azide, 5- isomer   R110 azide, 6- isomer   R110 azide, 5- isomer   Pyrene azide 3   Pyrene azide 2   Pyrene azide 1   Perylene azide   PEP azide   Copper chip + NaHCO3) 2-溴-5-甲基噻吩(含稳定剂铜芯和碳酸氢钠)AmdU (5-azidomethyl-2'-deoxyuridine)   BDP TR methyl ester, 5 mM in DMSO   Cyanine5 DBCO   Sulfo-Cyanine5 tetrazine   Sulfo-Cyanine3 tetrazine   TAMRA amine, 5-isomer   磺酸基-Cy7 胺 Sulfo-Cyanine7 amine   Sulfo-Cyanine5.5 amine       Sulfo-Cyanine3 amine   FAM amine, 5-isomer   Cy7.5 胺 Cyanine7.5 amine   Cy7 胺 Cyanine7 amine 1650635-41-8, 1650559-73-1 [Cl-] Cy5.5 胺 Cyanine5.5 amine   Cy5 胺 Cyanine5 amine   Cyanine3 amine   BDP TMR amine   BDP FL amine   BDP 630/650 amine   霜霉威(自由碱)-d7 Sulfo-Cyanine7.5 carboxylic acid   磺酸基-Cy7羧酸 Sulfo-Cyanine7 carboxylic acid   [ 10075-50-0]5-溴吲哚 Sulfo-Cyanine5.5 carboxylic acid   [1121756-16-8,1144162-77-5]磺酸基-Cy5 羧酸 Sulfo-Cyanine5 carboxylic acid 1121756-16-8, 1144162-77-5  磺酸基-Cy3 羧酸 Sulfo-Cyanine3 carboxylic acid    [CAS: 63590-64-7]特拉唑嗪 Pyrenebutyric acid 3443-45-6 Cy7.5 羧酸 Cyanine7.5 carboxylic acid 1686147-68-1, 1803099-44-6 [Cl-] Cy7 羧酸 Cyanine7 carboxylic acid   [1144107-80-1,1256349-47-9]Cy5.5 羧酸 Cyanine5.5 carboxylic acid 1144107-80-1, 1256349-47-9 Cy5 羧酸 Cyanine5 carboxylic acid   [1144107-79-8]Cy3.5 羧酸 Cyanine3.5 carboxylic acid 1144107-79-8 [1144107-76-5,1361402-15-4,1251915-29-3 I-]Cy3 羧酸 Cyanine3 carboxylic acid 1144107-76-5, 1361402-15-4, 1251915-29-3 [I-] [5221-53-4]甲菌定/二甲嘧酚 Coumarin 343 X carboxylic acid   542-75-6]1,3-二氯丙烯 (顺反异构混合物) BDP TMR carboxylic acid   [ 14490-05-2]7-甲基色胺 BDP R6G carboxylic acid   [114902-16-8]刺五加皂苷B BDP FL carboxylic acid 165599-63-3 [114902-16-8]刺五加皂苷B BDP FL carboxylic acid 165599-63-3 [110-26-9]N,N-亚甲基双丙烯酰胺 BDP 630/650 carboxylic acid   [CAS: 135701-67-6]D-精氨酰-(HYP3,D-PHE7,亮氨酰8)-血管舒缓激肽 Pyrene hydrazide   Cyanine7.5 酰肼 Cyanine7.5 hydrazide   Cyanine7 酰肼 Cyanine7 hydrazide   Cy5.5 酰肼 Cyanine5.5 hydrazide   Cy5 酰肼 Cyanine5 hydrazide   Cy5 Boc-酰肼 Cyanine5 Boc-hydrazide   Cy3 酰肼 Cyanine3 hydrazide