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PEG衍生物 荧光标记 杂环砌块定制 点击化学 磷脂类 光电材料 小分子定制


作者:荧光素PEG叶酸,FITC-PEG-FA 发布时间:2022-07-21 09:25:54 次浏览

FTFA-1K,2K,3.4K,5K,10K 英文简称:Fluorescein (polyethylene glycol) folic acid 分子量:1K,2K,3.4K,5K,10K 规格:100mg,500mg 荧光素PEG叶酸,FITC-PEG-FA Fluorescein (polyethylene glycol) folic acid 别名: 荧光素聚乙二醇叶酸,Fluorescein-PEG-Folic acid,FA-PEG-FITC,叶酸PEG荧光素 产品信息: FTFA-1K,2K,3.4K,5K,10K. 外观: 橘黄色到褐色固体. 溶解性: 5mg/mL 热水,DMSO. 保存:-20°C干燥,避光. 分子量(PEG):1K,2K,3.4K,5K,10K. Ex/Em wavelength: 495 nm/515 nm (FITC). 纯度: 95%. 产品说明: FITC-PEG-FA is one of green fluorescent folate PEG derivatives that have excitation/emission wavelength at ~490 nm/~520 nm. Fluorescein labeled PEG folate is a linear molecule with folic acid attached to one terminus of PEG chain and a fluorescein dye linked to the other PEG terminus. Folic acid is also known as vitamin M, vitamin B9 or pteroyl-Lglutamic acid. Folic acid is an essential bioactive molecule for numerous biological functions. It participates in the synthesis, repairing and methylation of DNA as well as to act as a cofactor in many biological reactions. Folic acid is a ligand to folate receptors on cell surfaces. With its strong fluorescence, fluorescein PEG folate is an excellent fluorescent probe to target and detect folate receptors both in-vitro and in-vivo. 处理以及使用: FITC-PEG-FA 需要一只保存在低温、干燥、避光的条件,使用时一定要注意温差,防止吸潮,纯品保存最佳。 储存条件: FITC-PEG-FA 于-20℃干燥,避光保存.惰性气体保护最佳. 一年之后复测。 文献引用: Acs applied materials&interfaces(IF=8.097)------ Folic Acid-Functionalized Hybrid Photonic Barcodes for Capture and Release of Circulating Tumor Cells. 类似产品推荐: 叶酸PEG活性酯,FA-PEG-NHS 叶酸PEG马来酰亚胺,FA-PEG-Maleimide 叶酸PEG巯基,FA-PEG-SH 叶酸PEG氨基,FA-PEG-NH2 叶酸PEG羧基,FA-PEG-COOH 二硬脂酰基磷脂酰乙醇胺PEG叶酸,DSPE-PEG-FA 备注:本产品仅供科研使用,不用于人体或诊断使用。